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World Dream Day @ PowerBooks Greenbelt 4

September 23, 2014 | By: Koko Tamura       Reach Out

World Dream Day

Do you need help in reaching your dreams? Do you want to get your goals faster and with more joy? Do you need help in clarifying your goals in the first place? Dreambook can help you with these concerns.

Dreambook is a life coaching journal. It guides people to unearth their dreams and inspires them to make those dreams reality. As a journal, it asks users to write their realizations and resolutions on its pages. And it has words and artworks that invite users to be inspired, take action, and stay true to their dreams.

Dreambook 2013 is inspired by the books "Christian Coaching: Helping Others Turn Potential Into Reality" by Gary R. Collins, Ph.D. and "The Dream Giver" series by Bruce Wilkinson. Bruce Wilkinson acknowledges God as "The Dream Giver", and so does the Dreambook. Dreambook is based on the belief that you have God-given passions, talents, skills and other gifts that equip you and guide you towards your dreams. Pursuing your dreams is both a celebration of these gifts and a responsibility. It is connected with your life purpose, molds values into you, and exercises your faith.


Some of the Dreambook pages about goal setting have been actually designed by an experienced life coach, Anna Christina Aqui, who has gained coaching experience through Organizational Change Consultants Inc. (OCCI). OCCI is a coaching company that has helped thousands of people attain success since 1995.

Another experienced coach, Timothy John Agulto, who has coached for Batches 36, 40 and 48 of the Leadership Excellence Achievement Program (LEAP) under OCCI, likens the Dreambook to a personal coach: “…imagining this Dreambook as a constant companion and personal coach, I can’t help but get excited about new dreams that I would want for myself. I am confident that this book is a wonderful guide towards reaching whatever dream I set for myself.” LEAP is a program wherein participants set and achieve personal, professional and contribution goals.

Bev Badilla, the Editor-in-Chief of a daily prayer and scripture guide from Flame Ministries, Inc., Couples for Christ, “In His Steps 2009 / 2010 / 2011”, gave the following recommendation for Dreambook: "It is a journal that talks to you, through questions and spaces specially designed for you to fill up, as you become closer and closer to making your dreams come true.”

Manuel Salazar, Chairman of Pharex Healthcorp and Executive Adviser and member of the board of directors of Pascual Laboratories, endorses the Dreambook as a journal that is “perfect for those who wish to take a holistic approach in pursuing their dreams. It makes one realize that it is not enough to have just the skills or talent to succeed in life. Forming good habits, sticking to them and having a positive attitude are much more valuable when you have a goal in mind. This is how this journal can help people in their journey through life. It provides them with tools and written inspiration to keep them motivated  and focused. Most importantly, it gives them spiritual guidance to constantly remind them that with God, nothing is impossible." endorses

Frankie Naranjilla, a Board of Director and Country Management Team member at Nokia Networks Philippines, says: “I encourage everyone to grab a copy of this material.   I like the approach, it is simple and non-intimidating in pushing disciplines.”

World Dream Day

Dreambook Project is participating in World Dream Day, an international movement that is actually acknowledged by the United Nations. It seeks to unleash human potential and by doing so transform the world. The founder of World Dream Day, Ozioma Egwuonwu, has given the go signal for WDD Philippines. World Dream Day Philippines will be celebrated on September 27, 2014 at PowerBooks Greenbelt.

WDD Philippines will use a few pages from Dreambook to help participants specify, clarify and celebrate their dreams or goals, and plan on how to reach these dreams. Life coach Claude Sta. Clara will be the speaker and facilitator for the program. Coach Claude is currently a consultant at coaching companies Mind Pool, Organizational Change Consultants International, and Fullness of Life Foundation. Dreambook Project will get participants to move their dreams forward on World Dream Day Philippines and begin a community of dreamers supporting each other.

Dreambooks are currently available at selected National Bookstore and Powerbooks branches. Please browse for sample pictures and more info.

“BusinessWorld: A Newspaper Is A Public Trust” is an Official Media Partner of Dreambook Project’s World Dream Day Philippines.


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