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Cutting Edge

Print Your Own Money: Making Soap for Barter
Having Soap for Barter is like printing your own money. Like growing your own food, making soap in volume to stock as barter stock is one smart business opportunity. Specialty herbal beauty soaps or cheap yet green (environmentally safe) detergent alternatives are almost as good as money when used as barter stock or sold for cheap as a source of income. Going into the lunar new year, it will be good to try making your own soap as a business enteprise and as a personal brand craft project. You've seen Pinoy millionaires being made making beauty soap by the dozens. It's a very worthy project.
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Improve Working Memory Skills:: Play Board Games and Strategy Card Games!
Active working memory skills help kids learn faster and is a better gauge for future success. Smart kids with high I.Q. may become top students but working memory is what gives most kids an edge over just being smart. Board games and gameplay are some of the most important teaching aids for getting kids to hone skill sets and learn to focus on step ladder solutions to problems. Play has proven to be one of the best learning tools and board games might be one of the best available for enhancing working memory skills.
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Do You Really NEED an MFA in Creative Wrtiting?
Writing today is a better career path than ever. Getting a novel or anthology published is a big dream for every fiction writer who scrapes by with a day job writing for content farms or copywriting or as a journalist. A Masters in Creative Writing is one learning investment that many writers consider to better their work opportunities--to include teaching, or for some, to get time out to actually write and get better at craft. Here's a look at what an MFA offers you if you write fiction.
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A Look at FARM HACK, Open Source Tech for Small Farmers and Small Farms
Large farms supposedly thrive on economies of scale, but there is a catch with the capitalist model used by large farms. When hit by a downturn or any unfortunate situation like crops ravaged by a storm, weak demand or overproduction, the farm takes a huge loss and often the recovery costs an arm and a leg. Small farms are better, they recover faster from any downturn, they can specialize with cash crops or staples and with the rise of farmer's markets even in urban centers, the delivery of product to market is most often more assured than large farm set ups.
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In Defense of the Hoard: Why You Can Never Own Just 100 Things...Preppers Never Do
Prepping is a lifestyle that gets you storing stuff for emergencies. Keeping stuff to stay alive is also taught in Scripture as Joseph admnished his brothers to put away corn during good harvest seasons. When some life coach or silly priest tells you: "Money can't buy Happiness!" Run away from that lying thief like your life was on the line.
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DIY Faraday Shield: Protection from Stalkers Using Mil Spec FLIR Cameras and from EMP Storms
A solar coronal mass ejection or EMP burst can flat out destroy all unshielded electronics by shorting them out with excess radiation. More dangerous is CRIMINALS using military spec FLIR cameras to illegally surveil you and steal private information. Today's FLIR cameras have a range of up to 150 to 200 meters away. A Faraday shield is one measure against this kind of illegal modus. Military spec FLIR cameras can reveal tongue movements and record self musings and conversations surreptitiously and explicitly..
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Gadget Lifestyle: Get Yourself an eBook Reader
The best thing about eBook readers for all of us is that we can bring an entire library with us wherever we may go. You can even load media like audiobooks on an eBook reader and get that sensual storytelling experience that no other format for book media can deliver. It really is not a choice between having eBooks or hardcopy tomes for reading, but how to have both of everything because you can never have enough books.
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Making Product Models by Hand in the Age of 3D Printing
3D Printers and easy-to-use CAD applications enable designers to create a product mold in less than a day. But smarter design tells us that making models by hand is still the better design process over digital any time of day.
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Looking for New Hires for Your Big Project? Hire an Artist, not an MBA...
Design aptitude and skill sets that include artistic and creative abilities are now more valuable than ever before. A Masters in Fine Arts in Creative Writing or in Design is now the hottest ticket for career advancement as perceived by companies.
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Open Source Ecology: Build Your Life, Build Civilization
Need an oven for your bakery? A tractor for your farm? Plans for a low cost dwelling? Factory equipment for your prodcution line? Do not worry about expensive brand name products anymore, a new Open Source engineering group has set up a website where all blueprints for your equipment needs are readily available for download so that YOU can build what YOU NEED, more affordably. And their equipment designs are already built and tested as durable and effective for their intended purpose.
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Child Music Prodigies, Rocking: Some Kind of Wonderful
Kids are smarter than older folks and they learn best under wise parents. Child musician prodigies must have the best parents for teaching them rock music and watching them become the best at what they do for their age. They also give us geezers hope that the world is still a better place because they keep the faith.
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Healing Harmonics: The 528hz Frequency Can Induce Well-being, White Noise As Healing.
You've read about the Japanese experiments with sound and messages and water. Now a sonic frequency that can treat and repair cellular damage has been studied and its reults are more promising than can be imagined.
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Wattpad Is Changing The Way We Get Books.
There used to be an Ivory Tower of a sort where editors from lofty publishing houses picked books WORTHY of reading. Now WATTPAD has shown that EVERYONE Can Be Published in the crazy way nobody expected. By the writer-fan community.
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Is Storytelling the Most Useful Teaching Tool or a Trap?
The process of Storytelling is today's hottest teaching and design tool. Is it also a dangerous method for sneaking through message agendas by taking advantage of emotions?
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Slums: Designing A Better Way Of Living For All Of Us
Why are slums the perfect design laboratory for putting together habitat ideas and survival tech in the 21st century?
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We Thinking
Are thoughts unique to all living things or is it exclusive to humans? Is this a soulbonded identity, neuro-chemical impulses, or visions and imprints of langauge in our mind?
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