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Health & Healing

Cinnamon: Sweet Tooth Favorite that Keeps You Alive
Cinnamon treats may be sinfully sweet, but cinnamon itself is used as a healing food regimen. The spice when imbibed regularly can help your body fight cancer, stress and germs as a natural antiooxidant with antibiotic properties. It is also good as an antifungal agent and as an analgesic agent. Cinnamon as part of your regular diet can normalize bodily functions and keep you in shape. Plus you can indulge every so often in those gloriously gooey cinnamon rolls.
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Sineguelas: Antioxidant Fruits in Your Backyard Forest Garden
Costing only P15 a kilo at your local farmer's market, the sineguelas is a small fruit, kids love to gorge on as an after playtime snack but it is also packed with very potent antioxidants and phytochemicals that can help your body fight stress, ailments and keep yourself fit. What can cure your feeling of malaise from bad air (kulob na hangin), allergies, stomach problems, and stress is a simple plum that grows anywhere in our country. If you know what's good for you, you'd plant 3 sineguelas trees in your backyard and ecourage your neighbors, local baranggay and even your city officials to have them in all public spaces.
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Radishes: Unsung Antioxidant Veggie
The radish is a staple of sinigang meat dishes among Pinoys, an ingredient of the Japanese wasabi spicy dip and of Korean Kimchi too.. But this vegetable staple of soups, salads and dips is unsung for its powerful antioxidant properties and healthy benefits to the body--from alakaline fixing, to cancer prevention and providing fiber to clean up your digestive tract. Eat more radish and regain your health.
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Cleanse Your System with Cucumber
Cucumber is a highly regarded vegetable for healing and cleansing the body of toxins, rehydrating yourself and moisturizing skin as a natural beauty treatment regimen. Natural healing advocates within the medical community advise patients to try cucumber as a regular part of their diet to flush out bacteria and viruses. While as a healing regimen, cucumber is effective maintennance treatment for arthritis, gout, acid reflux, hyperacidity, alkaline fixing, kidney cleansing and rejuvenation, liver detox and healing and as a simple beauty solution for better skin.
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Healthy Mind: Making Working Memory Work for You
Working memory has been measured as a sign of future success over high I.Q. scores. What is working memory and how do you make it work for you? A healthy mind is one that is never overwhelmed by life's troubles and keeping a healthy mind by making your working memory function optimally will keep you away from any psychological illnesses or from stress that can also harm your body. Working memory that functions well just means you are a person who can think things through and deal with hurdles without getting stressed.
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Onions: The Best Cure for Allergies and Colds and Stress
Ever been in a wheezing and sneezy fit that goes away once you munch on a raw whole onion? Onions are the unsung hero for cold remedies and allergy therapies. They also make ofr the best pizza ingredients as well as for making ordinary meals amazing! Make a sock onion to put on your feet before you sleep and allow the onion's vapors to seep into your body and help you heal and get stronger from the flu. Cut onions in a bowl can help absorb germs and the mold spores in the air to detoxify your room. Onion soup may be the best healing regimen you can include as part of your diet to fight stress.
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Baking Soda Molasses for Cancer Prevention
Baking soda and molasses have long been researched as an alternative homeopathic remedy and almost-cure for cancer. By itself, this therapy protocol has been looked down upon by the medico-pharmaceutical establishment for being too cheap and effective as a cancer cure so it has been discredited. But the best cure for cancer is to keep your body's pH balance alkaline because cancers thrive in acidic states. One man has put together a recipe for using baking soda and molasses as an alkaline fixing therapy to kill and prevent cancer.
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Off the Grid Necessities: Vitamin C, Keep Stock of this Life-Keeping Nutrient
In dire situations, you might run out of fresh produce and your best source of vitamin C. Keeping a good stock of vitamin C supplements in your larder as well as growing your own food that are excellent sources of viatmin C like malunggay trees and calamansi trees, will more than help you keep self-sufficient and safe even during long term extreme situations when vitamin C becomes that taken for granted nutrient that we all can't live without.
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Ginger: Fire for Your Chi Balance, and the Best Herbal for Healing
A cure-all for colds, flu, sore throat , fever and gastro intestinal ailments as well as extreme conditions like gout and asthma, ginger is one herbal remedy that is priceless for off-the-grid home gardens and even for urban gardens. If you are running low on funds from buying expensive meds, try using ginger as a homeopathic remedy and as effective treatment for most of your ailments. Start your own herbal garden with this root spice in mind!
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Use a Charcoal Poultice
Ancient healing remedies are always some of the best options when you cannot get immediate medical treatment. Knowing how to make and use an activated charcoal poultice can help save lives especially during off the grid situations.
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Aspirin: Cures Hangovers AND Helps You Avoid Stroke
Your handy pain reliever and cure for headaches, has other blessed remedies for your body's health. From high blood pressure, to avoiding strokes and also for keeping your skin in good tone. Aspirin, if used according to doctor's orders can keep your ailments in check and help you get by when your health needs a reliable and stable remedy.
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Not Eating Enough Chocolate? Are You Crazy?!
The health benefits of chcolate have been greatly understated. Consuming dark chocolate especially is good for your health, mind and soul. Know why eating more chocolate is really good for you!
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Guavas from God: A Blessing for Urchins and for Healthy Keeping
In the Philippines, raiding the guava trees in the local neighborhood used to be a rite of passage for kids.. Guavas provide plenty of Vitamin C and though they used to be notorious as the favorite fruit of worms from flies and other insects, the new and hardy Guapple variety offers a huge Guava with crunchy hardness enough to deter worm attacks unless overripe.
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Malunggay Miracle Tree
If the government could do anything really smart for us, it would be to plant all public spaces with malunggay trees so everyone in need of a meal can just plcuk a branch and feed himself. The Moringa tree is known as the miracle tree for having everything needed to kep healthy and to heal ailments and afflictions.
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As Much Eggs as You Wanna: The Health Myth Debunked
For as long as you can remember, eggs have been given the bad rap for cholesterol and heart disease. But new studies by British health scientists have shown us that eating more can actually be beneficial and that eggs aren't as bad as people used to think they were.
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Pineapple: Precious for Keeping Your Eyesight and Digestion
Pineapple used to be one of the most sought after fruits in the West. Today it is one of the best fruits for keeping your eyesight sharp and for aiding your digestion. It also contains powerful antioxidants that keep you safe from stress and cancer.
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Grapefruit Juice: Fight Stress and Stay Fit
Colds and the Flu take over your body when you are too stressed and need to rest and recover. Avoid losing good days to sick time by including Grapefruit Juice to your diet. It helps fight stress, keeps you fit by helping you burn fat. And it is one of the most powerful healing fruits because it is packed with lycopene and plenty more antioxidants aside from its alkaline fixing effect on the body.
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Yoga and Pilates: Strength Exercises that Don't Require You to Lift Weights
Stretching exercises have a more powerful effect on our body than we think we know. Yoga and Pilates are some of the best at keeping you fit, strong and toned, so you look good and beautiful and you're in top shape than you will ever be from other high impact exercises. Both these exercise regimens also help your flexibility if you are into dancing.
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Watermelon is the Cheapest Alkaline Fixing Refreshment and Fruit Bonanza
Grab a Slice of Watermelon instead of an Energy Drink next time you need a fix for body thirst. Watermelon is so underrated, it is one of the best fruits that has lycopene equal to tomatoes and has plenty of antioxidants and body replenishing nutrients.
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Balimbing as Tonic Power Drink or Health Snack
Looking for fruits to make tonics or body cleansing juices? Try the lowly but blessed Balimbing. It is full of vitamin C and beneficial antioxidants for keeping you healthy.
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Garlic from God: A Natural Antibiotic and Great for Poultice Medicine
More Fire for your Chi. Garlic has been known even in ancient times to have medicinal properties in addition to being one of the best spices used in cooking. Garlic in your diet can keep you away from heart ailments, hypertension, and digestion problems. Cook delicious everything with Garlic too!
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Olive Oil for Better Eating and Healthy Cooking
The Greeks and the Spaniards have the healthiest diets because of their use of Olive Oil as a staple ingredient in their cooking. Olive oil is beneficial to one's heart and digestion and it also can be used as a beauty enhancer for both hair and skin. It is the healthiest cooking oil anywhere and makes even simple dishes heavenly.
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Melatonin as LifeSaver: Don't Die Before Your Time from Sleep Deprivation
Melatonin is one of the best health supplements that you can avail of when suffering from bouts of insomnia or if you need to return to a regular and healthy sleep cycle. It helps your brain transport wastes out of its system when you sleep so you also get natural health benefits aside from getting good restful sleep.
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Chicken Soup for the Sick: Mother Knows Best
Mom and Lola know best when they make Chicken Soup for you when you were a kid and sick with the flu or the colds, wrapped in blankets. Chicken soup is more than just soul food. It heals and replenishes lost nutrients and fluids and helps get rid of harmful germs.
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Going Bananas? Grab Nature's Best Power Snack!
Peanut Butter and Bananas! Pancakes and Bananas! Oatmeal and Bananas! Bananas in Mueslix Breakfast Bowl! Saba in Adobo!, Banana-Q Stick! Going Bonkers with Bananas? Stay Crazy, Keep Healthy with Bananas in your Diet. They are Nature's Best Power Snack ever.
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Coconut Oil Makes a Comeback: Just the Best for Cooking
Marked as an unhealthy food in the past becuase of saturated fats, Coconut oil has been found to be actually the best cooking oil and food additive over other seed oils. Coconut oil is difested easily and absorbed faster than seed oil fats. Less stress on your metabolism too. Cook with coconut oil now!
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Cranberry Juice : Healing Your Whizzy Fit Woes and More
Cranberry Juice is usually the first homeopathic remedy for 'balisawsaw' or UTI problems. But imbibing Cranberry Juice as part of one's diet can keep you healthier and less tired.
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Staying Fit: How To Get A Dancer's Body?
Amazed at all your favorite KPOP stars looking glorious, lean and curvy? You can look the same way too but you need to work out! College cheerdance competitors also have their exercise regimen to achieve fitness and strength training to perform their acrobatic routines. If you love dance sport and dance as an entertaining and enjoyable health regimen, you plan a workout that is both fun and less of a chore like most aerobic and strength training regimens..
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Foods That Contain High Amount Of Potassium
Potassium is an important mineral used to balance fluids in the body, help muscles contract, protect blood vessels, and maintain normal blood pressure. Lack of potassium in the body can cause hypertension (otherwise known as high blood pressure), fatigue, and irritability.
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Tags food     nutriotious food     high in potassium     potassium     healthy food     nutrition     vegetables     fruits     diet    
Stinky Cheese (in Moderation) Is Good For You
Wonder why the French keep fit despite imbibing wine and stinky cheese as often as they do? Moderation is the key.
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Tags roquefort     camembert     stinky cheese     health and healing        
Metabolic Process And Ph: How Fruits Rock Your Health To Sunshine
The human body can naturally maintain a balanced Ph but with the intake of certain fruits as part of your diet, fixing the normal Ph of your body is greatly improved.
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Don't Forget that Late Night Snack Before You Doze Off, It's Healthy!
New research shows that late night munchies can actually be good for you! You can still eat healthy late at night by having small portions of fruit snacks or other similar good foods that can keep your stomach from complaining about the extra work or keep it satiated until breakfast. Eating small portions of your favorite midnight snack can also aid your metabolism at night so you don't wake up tired or cranky.
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To Stay Healthy, Make Time For Fun
Being able to find things that make you happy and making time for them also keeps you healthy. Avoiding stress comes from finding the fun in every activity you do and making an effort to enjoy everything you are engaged in. Plan your week to include me-time where you enjoy your books, music, games or singing and whatever it is that puts good vibes in your soul.
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Keeping Well: Going Nuts With Walnuts
Scientists have discovered that Walnuts are the healthiest nuts to eat loaded as they are with superior antioxidants. If you are looking for munchies or great trail mix, walnuts provide some of the healthiest snacking around. Walnuts help slow down aging, prevent cancer, and keep your brain from failing you. Walnuts may also be the best and safest snack for pregnant women so they don't get undernourished or gorge on the wrong foods. Go nuts on walnuts.
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Guyabano Boosts Immune System
If you want to fight cancer, you must have a diet that fights stress, body acidity and alkaline fixing foods. You can avoid the huge costs of cancer treatment associated with chemotherapy which is actually a poison therapy that doesn't work 100 percent. Better to fight off stress and cancer by eating antioxidant laden fruits all the time like the soursop or guyabano, a very delicious tropical fruit that you can snack on or turn into healthy juices.
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Music Makes Everything Better
Modern medical practitioners have found out that music allows patients to heal better, sustain therapies with less pain, and get better results from exercise and treatments. Even loud music has healing benefits too by inducing endorphins and other feel good brain chemicals into a person and improve his mood. Staying healthy is as much a matter of minds staying upbeat and enjoying even the drudgery of a hospital stay or washing one's laundry for half the day.
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Power Up With Almonds
Almonds contain chemicals that can fend off constipation, respiratory disorders, cough, heart disorders, anemia, impotency, and diabetes. These nuts are a favorite addition to most baking recipes or can be included in a trail mix of other futs for food to eat on the go.
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The Calamansi Healing Factor
Heal faster with a daily regimen of calamansi concentrate. No need to spend a fortune on expensive fruits or branded wheatgrass milks. Get well on organic Calamansi!
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