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Mobile Apps: Notetaking Apps Come into their Own--EVERNOTE

February 2, 2014       Tech Buzz

Organize Notes on Your

Mobile Device with Evernote

If You Live and Breath on Notes for Work or School, Use Evernote

Capture Everything: EVERNOTE

The Evernote’s user mantra is Capture Everything. Notes are any media file that your mobile device can record or save in its storage memory. You use or create notes by jotting down text, snap a photo, record some audio and save it in a designated album or folder.  EVERNOTE is a note-taking, cloud-app that basically saves everything cool and exciting you see online and in the real world. Even entire webpages can be saved and retrieved. Evernote even has a deal with Moleskine to provide an Evernote OCR-compatible Moleskine that mobile users can use to make drafts of ideas, sketches and lists then transfer via snapshot onto their mobile device via Evernote.

The most powerful aspect of a note-taking and note-sharing device comes from group-shared content for planning or project development. You can share your notes with friends, colleagues and classmates. OCR allows for recording of pictures too as notes. For writers, students, and people who rely heavily on notes in their work or daily lives, Evernote is a powerful productivity tool with intelligent features.

Bookmarking is now the primitive workaround for remembering web pages.

Evernote lets you be awesome-productive by allowing you to jot down your ideas and inspiration into a system that will help you remember them. Evernote shines as one of the most powerful ‘note’ taking app.  For school, anyone who does research, needs all of that information smartly organized. Evernote has an extensive ecosystem of internal and third-party apps. One is Skitch for drawing onto images and reports. Penulmate converts the iPad experience to pen and paper.  Evernote Hello gives you a list of people, encounters and shared experiences—like an internal Facebook.

Evernote is one of those utilities that might just change your life.


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