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Streaming Music Media Portals: What Do You Like?

July 22, 2015       Tech Buzz
Streaming Music
Media Portals
What do you like? There is
Spotify, Live 365, Soundcloud,
and Apple's own BeatsMusic.

We live in the age where we don't need to lug 10 CDs in our backpack or spend hours configuring a mix-tape cassette to bring along as our playlist of choice is now within easy access:  either online on any music streaming site or saved as mp3 playlists on our digital mobile device.  This has also virtually destroyed FM radio as a source for your fave tunes.  The only thing playing on corporate radio nowadays is what they call 'standards.'  From 3 or 4 decades running.  Very slim pickings for generations of kids (of all ages) who can listen to anything they want on their awesome gadgets.

For kids, aside from Wattpad, the best use for mobile devices would be apps for streaming music.  The  'Internet of Things' mobile gadgets allow all of us to skip the drudgery of
corporate FM radio and have a truly personalized music listening  experience with our streaming music portal of choice..  No ads if you like.  Or just purely podcasts about your favorite topic if you will.

Streaming music apps for mobile devices or your desktop allow you to choose and tweak your listening experience right down to each song, using custom playlist saved from an online music library.

Streaming Music IS Pushing Digital Music Sales

Apple has jumped onto the bandwagon and purchased Dr. Dre's redesigned app: Beats Music and will be using the brand to nudge subscribers into buying music off its iTunes music and media library as well as promote the time tested radio listening experience of 'discovering new artists' and songs as its main thrust.  The U.S. music industry is really taking notice of listeners going to mobile music streaming for their music content.  As of November 2014, Billboard’s music charts started using data from streaming music portals as an additional measure for  ranking album sales--besides hardcopy purchase.  Getting feeds off Spotify, Beats Music, and Google Play Music steams, Billboard now counts 500 streams of one song as a single album purchase.  

Here is a look at what you can get from some of the most popular streaming music services for your mobile device:


The crowd favorite for everyone who goes online for their music.  Even if their music content is known to be
DRM protected--you cannot play a playlist or music downloads without using the app.  Spotify fans love the service because it offers a truly custom and personalised music listening experienced THAT CAN BE LINKED to its users' social media accounts thereby creating tribes or what we know as a 'barkada' or 'katropa' or community of  people with shared music interests.  Some apps are just starting to integrate social media into their service.  Spotify is also a very sleek and easy to use app for either web desktop or mobile gadget interfaces.  Spotify already has more than 15 million paid subscribers out of a total 60 million active users. This app helped establish the now-standard $9.99 monthly on-demand subscription price to access its library ad-free. 


Soundcloud's main attraction, other than streaming music playlists and offering itself as something like MySpace for musicians, is audio media content like podcasts, audiobook excerpts, episode recordings and everything you can put together as audio content.  From comic-book author interviews to your favorite science fiction author talking about his latest novel or how he gets his story ideas, Soundcloud offers all of these and few other apps choose to provide the same.  Many people are now doing podcasts as part of their blog because the audio experience is more intimate for sharing thoughts or book reviews than just a blog post.  File-sharing by plenty of users on Soundcloud has attracted people to use the app as a personal-broadcast-media gig. 

From Soundcloud, you can bookmark dedicated podcast sites on your mobile device too.  Of course they still offer music playlists and fileshare communities with listeners with the same music preferences.


If you were looking for an internet radio service complete with DJs talking as they queue your songs, and your musical tastes ranged from obscure cult genres such as shoegazer, witchhouse, technical death metal, So-Cal Punk rock, or even Blue Grass Jazz, one of the most underrated choices would be

We at love the Vertigo shoegazer online radio channel.  Live365 offers as good as you want for an online radio playlist style that always includes your
old and obscure one faves and all the exciting new and obscure bands as well.  You might never get to hear any of either on rotation on FM radio or anywhere today.  Online streaming music apps are also getting very specialized in their product offerings.  Listening to an online radio app like Live365 helps you find those rare gems to order off Amazon or iTunes if you want to complete your music collection before the end of the world:  sun fries the earth aka Coronal Mass Ejection which renders all digital content bricked if it ain't hardcopy.

These portals are just some of your options for online music streaming.  There are may be other less popular music streaming services online, but these are the ones that have lasted until now so you are assured that setting up an account on any of them will give you the satisfaction that the apps will stay alive for the next 5 years at the most.  Go and enjoy your music for FREE on any kind of mobile device 'Internet of Things' capable doodad.  Check out these sites and whatever your preference for audio entertainment, you can pick which service offers the best library and is most fun to use and share with friends too.

If you really want to support the artist you hear, BUY a COPY of their album too. 

It might be the last copy to exist on earth if strange things happen to the digital grid.  Better to have a keepsake than just remembering a favorite song from memory.  And you keep your favorite musicians alive and making music too.



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