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Finding What to Wear: Smart Ideas for your Wardrobe

June 9, 2014 | By: Stephanie Quesada       Within Reach
Finding What to Wear
Baduy works...but wouldn't you want
to look like a Princess?
by Stephanie Quesada

Let’s face it.  Some women have no clue about dressing up. You might find yourself staring at an overflowing closet getting stressed choosing what to wear.  It might not be your fault though.  Because in fashion, there are no clear-cut make you NOT look like an idiot.

Not being mean though.  Baduy has its place among us.

Sometimes, everything gets so complicated that it becomes too tiresome to care for young women who just want to look good..  What if there are just a few simple things to remember?  So you won’t look like either a slob or a Christmas tree on any occasion?

Whether you go for the glamorous look.  Or want a go at being the boho, hippy-chick at a shindig.  You may create flair by experimenting with looks you haven’t personally tried on before.  And still look stunning without much effort!For any body type and playing with style aesthetics, here are a few simple ideas. 

Contrasting Styles
Complement Each Other

Pair your printed tops with a plain bottom, and pair your printed bottom with a plain top.  Don't let people go dizzy migraine looking at you if you are wearing print...everywhere.  Or get bored with your presence and assume you’re in your jammies with plane-jane clothes when they meet up with you. Mix them up!

Same goes with tight clothes.  Pair your loose tops with tight bottoms.  And vice versa.  Looking like a bursting burrito with over-tight clothes, or a flapping kite with loose fitting clothes isn’t very flattering to any body type.

Colors Work Sparingly

Try to have only 2 to 4 color variations with your outfits, with 3 colors being the ideal.  And have just 1 to 2 colors to be very minimalist and simple, or just an accent to your outfit on a 3 to 4 color combination.  It may sound difficult if you like wearing color.  But having too many hues creates an overall look that may take the focus from who’s wearing the clothes.  Remember, what you wear should enhance YOU. Not be a distraction from you.

Anything Denim!

Denim is your friend for casual, like say church on Sunday morning, or a soda raid at the convenience store .  And the so-called fashion must-have for all young women: “little black dress,” is your go-to outfit for date nights or daytime formal when you just don’t know what to wear.

For a really casual look, pair your favorite jeans with a cute top.  Or short shorts aka cut-off jeans and a tank top.  Wear these with a cardigan or vest for fluorish.  Then add an accessory you love for a simple “girl-next-door” look.

If you’re not sure if you’re going to a casual or formal event, wear that little black dress.  Pair it with a denim jacket, and when it’s just your typical party, your outfit will be rockin’. When it’s a date in a posh resto, take off your denim and voila! A sophisticated woman in less than 10 seconds!

Colors that Match

Try your best to match your colors.  Now, I don’t mean looking like a power ranger by having the same colored blouse as your bottom here.  What I mean is maybe having a bangle with the same color as the piping on the hem of your collar, or the print on your tee matching your belt or your shoes.  Sometimes these little details can make a big difference. It can make your look cohesive and very snazzy.

Superhero Color Theory

Review your color theory.  What am I talking about? Designers often refer to the color wheel to find the different relationships colors have, and their relationship to their position on the wheel.  For example, having three colors that form a triangle like the primary colors red, blue and yellow on the wheel is called a triad. This color combination is most often used with superhero costumes such as Superman, Wonder Woman, or if you’re brave enough to sport such a vivid attire, you color lover, you!

You can look up color charts on the web.  The color-relationships can help you mix and match your outfits without thinking about it too much. Want a bold look with lots of contrast? Try out a complementary color combination. It’s the one with colors opposite each other on the wheel, like yellow and purple.  How about a summer look for your outfit? Try an analogous combination of warm tones. Those are the colors next to each other, like red, orange and yellow.

The possibilities are like summer.  Always a new day for each outfit.

That’s about it actually.  Knowing what fits your body type and some common sense (like not going out wearing rumpled business attire to an interview, you know the drill).  With that, you’d be good to go!
Don't get your panties in a bunch.  Be confident and wear what looks good.  Also remember that part of looking good is breaking the rules!  Enjoy.


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