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An Inspiration to Dance Exercise: Watch the League of Extraordinary Dancers

August 19, 2014       Within Reach
The League of Extraordinary Dancers
on You Tube: A Show of Good versus Evil.
Also the best inspiration for would-be
dance sport aficionados getting fit

If you aren't into dancing yet, as a fan of the sport, as someone looking for a health regimen to stay in shape, or as someone who enjoys good entertaining stories told through dance performances,  The Legion of Extraordinary Dancers is an online TV show you should check out which also will be the only fix you need to enjoy this fun and sexy thing people do when good music makes them merry.

We know that almost all Filipinos love to dance and watch dance performances, from those cheesy and elaborate production numbers on noontime local TV shows ( especially popular during its heyday were Wowowee dance numbers ).  Filipinos from everywhere join activities that involve dance, from the inter-school sports cheerdance competitions and event support, to any and every dance competition we've seen.  From Dance Dance Revolution, a popular arcade game based on dance steps on an electronic dance pad.  To ballroom dance competitions promoted recently as celebrity events.  There are many dance competitions on entertainment TV and movies that are like a magnet for Filipino dance aficionados.  Like Amerca's Best Dance Crew, where an all-Fillipino dance group called Jabberwockeez won the prize, to So You Think You Can Dance on Fox TV which is already in its 10th season, and where the most radical and athletic street dancers show off their back-breaking acrobatics.  We just love to watch people move to music and we mimic them like our lives depended on it.  Or at least we get a kick out of making an ass out of ourselves, trying to dance like the hottest KPop stars we love.

Unlooked by most is this hidden gem of a dance show, The LXD.  It is a show where the good guys dance a certain way, and the bad guys dance another way and they sort of face off against each other in dance showdowns and more dance solos showing viewers through a story that dance is one of the most beautiful ways the human body can express emotions as it moves in harmony with dance music.

Check it out through the initial link we provided and find the other episodes too.  Then get into the best health regimen for staying fit almost breaking a leg....DANCE.


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