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Be Your Own Food Grocery (Living Off-Grid)

August 20, 2014       Building Block
Be Your Own
Grocery Store

You need to start growing your own food at home. Be ready in case of emergencies by growing your own food with an organic vertical garden – even if you live in an apartment. It’s not as difficult or as expensive as you think.  A vertical vegetable garden is even easier to set up. You can actually buy a ready-to-go vertical garden systems online for about $300 if you want to save time.   It doesn’t really matter how you do it as long as you do it.  You get to pick food fresh from your garden and don't need to rely on your neighborhood grocer or supermarket for fresh produce.

Tomatoes can be grown in containers on a wall garden
like this!  Grow your own Food!

Home gardening is something that fell out of style when populations moved out of the rural areas and into towns and cities. Recently though, there’s been a resurgence of home gardens. A lot of people are starting to do this again, but a lot more efficiently than in the past. You don’t have to move back to the country to grow your own food anymore.  There are plenty of technological resources, from DIY to specialized vendor off-shelf products that allow you to put together a working home garden.

You’re already aware of the benefits of growing your own food and the dangers of not doing so. You save money with an organic vertical home garden.

Stop Throwing Food Away

How many times have you bought food from the store and ended up throwing it away because you didn’t eat it in time? If you end up throwing away 10% of the food that you buy, you’re essentially paying about 10% more for your food. By having your own garden, you can pull food off whenever you need it.

Buy Once and Food Keeps Coming

Here’s where you really save money by growing your own food. Once you set it up  food keeps coming. You can usually replant food from the seeds of what you’ve grown previously. You can rotate your crops and have different foods at different times and can adjust how much you grow of each thing so you always have enough. What you’re developing is sustainability. A home garden can be replanted over and over replenishes itself.  You eat healthier when you grow your own food.


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