UFOs and Aliens have been attracting attention the world
over and because there are eyewitness accounts of flying strange lights
and even testimonies of alien abduction that have been corroborated by
many people that the mystery cannot be ignored as just some mass
hallucination or fabrication.
People have come out of the
woodwork claiming alien abduction and have revealed detailed
descriptions of their travails and incarceration. The physical
description and characteristics of the abductors have been archived by
everyone from the military to UFO hunters and tabloids looking for any
scandalous story to sell.
The kinds of aliens that have been identified are grouped into three: the Greys, the Reptilians, and the Nordics.
The Greys and their Agenda
Most alien abduction victims have identified the Greys as the perpetrator of their capture. It is the most familiar Alien type, and most supposed eyewitness accounts describe the Grey as a very thin being with an oversized head relative to its body size. They stand from 3 ½ to 6 feet tall, and weigh anywhere from 50 to 90 pounds.
The TV show, X-Files, have popularized the Greys and other cinematic portrayals show them as having large, bulbous forehead with bulging, unblinking eyes. Victims of alien abductions have characterized their skin as smooth and slippery like an ocean mammal like a dolphin or whale. There are no ears that can be seen on their heads. They are described as having 3 to 4 fingers, webbed hands and feet. The Grey alien is said to be a telepath, and stories from people who claim to have encountered them say they can hear the Greys speaking in their mind even though the Grey was not physically talking to them.
The GREY: a race of smallish aliens. The primary example of most alien lore and
sightings the world over. Supposedly responsible for kidnappings
and abductions of humans.From other alien encounter stories, there is a theory
that the Grey alien race is dying due to the fact that they were
originally cloned by another race of alien called the Reptilians. The
Greys are supposed to be thralls or slaves of the Reptilians until the
Greys staged a revolt, escaping to wander the Universe and finding

An artist's rendition of a Grey if it were to improve it's biological make-up
from experimenting with humans abducted from Earth, because their breed is dying.
Area 51 conspiracy fans believe that the Greys were the
kind of aliens originally found in Roswell, New Mexico UFO crash
landing, and that this species made an agreement with the U.S.
government. They offered advanced technology in exchange for being
allowed to freely roam and experiment with isolated human subjects to
learn genetics and biological fixes to prevent extinction of their race.
Origin of the Greys
A star map drawn from memory brought back during the hypnosis of Betty Hill, an abduction victim reveal the location of the Greys' homeworld. A pair of stars known as Zeta Reticuli, that are 220 trillion miles away from earth. The Greys act like scientific observers, interested in the study of other life forms in the universe. They perform tests and medical evaluations upon their human subjects and then free them.
The Reptilians
Most of the mythologies of some cultures are believed to revolve around what are actually powerful alien beings that are described as reptilian in anatomical conformation and biology. From Oriental pantheons to ancient Egyptian pantheons and even, Incan and Mayan pantheons and the supposed Annunaki popularized by Zachariah Sitchin, the common thread among them is a dragon-reptile giant alien being.
There is conjecture that the reptilian aliens come from the constellation of Draco. Some say from Orion. Or even Sirius. There is even pseudo-scientific hypotheses that the earth was seeded with Reptilian lifeforms so that a subset of the species was part of the local fauna since ancient times. Only about 20% of alien abductions reported account for Reptilian alien encounters. The aliens are described as humanoid and stand about 6 to 9 feet tall. Their humanoid conformation from scroll paintings to stone carvings, and abductee witness accounts indicates that the Reptiles have a muscular body, with long arms and legs, and each hand has 3 long fingers and one thumb. Their skin is described as ranging from dark green to brown and scaly. Some reports say they also have tails.
The reptilian alien, may be the so called Annunaki visitors. They are also depicted
as malevolent and domineering, but were driven away by the Nordic Aliens.
The Reptoid alien now present and hiding in Earth, has a different countenance from the more familiar Grey alien. A reptilian alien has a cone-like head with bony ridges starting at the forehead and continuing toward the back of the skull. The nasal area is marked by slitted nostrils for breathing, and ears are represented by slits as well at the back of the skull. The eyes are described as looking lizard like or snake like, while another variation is white eyes with flameing slits for pupils.
The alien Reptilian coming from the Draco constellation is said to be different from the earth Reptoids, as these are said to have wings made of bone covered with scales that span 6 to 7 feet and have horns on their head and along the length of the spine, aside from this they have the same height and scaly skin. It is a description that mirrors the mythology and pantheon of Eastern cultures' dragons and winged gods of the Mayans and Incans, and even the Indians.