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Classic Old Frills Standard for SHOW COMPETITION

September 30, 2014 | By: Blessing       Pigeon Talk
Classic Old Frills

Old Frills is a beautiful ancient pigeon breed raised as pets and often bred for show competition.  If you were entering a fancy pigeon exhibition and contest, you would like to know the standards by which your beauties will be judged in the pet pageants of pet pageants.  For Oriental Frills, Old Frill or Satinettes as we know them, there are standards of conformity in this bloodline that is maintained and if the characteristics of your birds are in line with this standard or even exemplary defining, you get the crown for CUTE DOVE.


A small to medium sized (average weight 11-12 oz) pigeon with a jaunty disposition. Stations at near to a 45-degree angle with the tip of the tail just clearing the floor.  Standard appearance would show breast frills, peak crest, grouse muffs, and a medium-short thick beak.

Satinettes are shield marked / tail marked birds with white bars or laces on their shield and Moon Spots or laces on their tail. Blondinettes are whole colored birds which also possess white bars or lacing on the shields and Moon Spots or lacing on the tail.  Certain varieties have the lacing extending over most of the body.

HEAD: Roundish to slightly oval that is substantial and wide.  An arched forehead flowing into a smooth, continuous curve from the tip of the beak to the tip of the peak. Wattle small and neat.

EYES: Large, bright and prominent.  Bull eyes in Satinettes. The eye in Blondinettes tend to be yellow gravel to deep red brown depending upon the variety.

BEAK: Medium short in length, substantial/thick, blending into the forehead in a smooth, uninterrupted curve. Flesh colored in Satinettes, flesh to horn to black in Blondinettes, depending upon the variety. Wattle small and smooth.

CREST: Needlepoint Peak Crest. Upright and central. Rising at least as high as the highest part of the head. Peak crest supported by a well-developed mane, without any sign of a mane break.

NECK: Short and strong, looking because old frills have a mane at the back of the neck.  Neck is held proudly, and upright so that the eye is directly over the juncture of the toes with the ankle. There should be a pronounced gullet extending from just under the lower mandible down the throat into the frill.

FRILL: The frill should extend from the middle of the gullet and continue into the breast (ideally 2" in length). It should be well developed and profuse. A shorter, more profuse frill is preferred over one that is sparse but greater in length. Feathers to grow outward to both sides uniformly. Feathers that grow only to one side or disproportionately to one side will be penalized. Rose shaped frills will be penalized.

Strong, lying close to the body, covering the back, without "sails", and lying flat on the tail.

LEGS: Short, profusely covered with grouse muffs all the way to the toenails. Toenails to be white in Satinettes flesh to horn to black in Blondinettes depending upon the variety.

FLIGHTS AND TAIL: Flights short, resting flat on the tail. Flights and tail to be shorter rather than longer. Tail to be no more than 2 feathers in width. Tail just clearing the floor when in show position.

STATION: Upright station at near to a 45-degree angle, which causes the tail to be held downward rather than horizontal.

  All colors should be bright, smooth and even. In laced birds the lacing should be clear and distinct. In barred birds the bars should be clear, narrow. long and even. The color inside the bars or laces should be white. The color inside the Moon Spots or tail laces should be white.

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