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Space May Be an Entity! Bipolar Gravity is the New Cosmic Model

May 28, 2015       Curious Mind
Space Is NOT Empty 
Quantum Physics Might Affect
Cosmic Sizes too, not just Micro and
Subatomic Particles

Image from NASA/WMAP Science Team
Dark matter was first proposed as the unseen accelerator of the
universe's expansion but is difficult to reconcile with Einstein's
Theory of Relativity.  A new cosmic model offering the idea that the
emptiness of space itself has unique gravitational properties and
works in harmony with Einstein's cosmic proposal.

Two astrophysicists from the Astrophysical Observatory of Turin in Italy, Alberto Vecchiato and Mario Gai, have pointed at a dwarf planet system in the Kuiper belt, the area just outside the solar system that contains icy comets, as a 'natural laboratory' for testing a new cosmic model that harmonizes and matches Einstein's Theory of Relativity better than current ideas that grope with clunky ideas like dark matter.

The new physics model can be tested against the behavior of the tiny dwarf planet and its tiny satellite as it moves through the outer solar system.  The Italian observers propose to confirm the existence of antigravity.

A video featuring the CERN astro-physicist, Dragan Hajdukovic
explaining his cosmic model of space containing virtual particles.

video orginally from Živa istina, Gost: Dragan Hajduković
Aired on - RTV Atlas,
posted on Science And Beyond You Tube
All rights reserved to Živa istina / RTV Atlas

Developed by CERN physicist Dragan Hajdukovic, the new cosmic model offers that the quantum vacuum – outer space: is not really empty at all. This space may be composed of "virtual" matter and antimatter particles that constantly phase in and out of existence.

Hajdukovic claims that these particles may have opposing gravitational charges, just like positive and negative electrical charges. Amd when a gravitational field is present, the quantum vacuum's virtual particles may possibly generate a secondary gravitational field that powers up the existing gravities in the system.

This may explain why galaxies and other cosmic bodies appear to have stronger gravity systems than would be detected from just the mass of their stars--an aberration that most astrophysicists explain by stranger theories like dark matter.

In Hajdukovic's new model of the universe, there is no dark matter.  

If virtual particles contain gravitational charges, then space–time itself--the quantum vacuum-- can exert a kind of pressure that causes objects to repel each other. Even the idea of an expanding universe or a Big Bang theory is negated by the new cosmic model.  So far, initial observations have provided positive results harmonizing the new theory with Einstein's Theory of Relativity.

To provide the best proof for testing the new cosmic model, Hajdukovic proposed observation of a minor planet with a small satellite that has an elliptical orbit. The system would need to be located far from the Sun and other massive bodies.

Image from NASA:  The Kuiper belt as that outer ring of icy cosmic
bodies, some comets and dwarf planets encircling the outermost
part of the solar system.

Now, Vecchiato and Gai have identified the UX25 system – 43 times farther from the Sun than is the Earth, as a primary candidate for observation lab work.  Hajdukovic's model offers that the wobble of UX25's tiny moon around the dwarf planet should be larger than classic physics can explain because the vacuum itself and its virtual particles would be exerting gravitational interference.

A New Cosmic Model

Confirmation of the new cosmic model's validity compared with dark matter theories and the Big Bang theory, may result in a better understanding of quantum physics, up to the cosmic scale--something most scientists are still iffy about.  

If empty space itself is an entity (with micro particles that generate gravitational or anti-gravity forces) that can be quantified and measured to affect other cosmic bodies, this breakthrough understanding may provide us with new ideas how we can explore our universe.


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