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Transition Towns
Preppers already get a bad rap as gun hoarding and food hoarding fanatics, but what about Transition Towns? What started out as a class project for helping people and communities get together to be less dependent on petroleum for survival. If the hippie community was a joke in the 60s, transition towns are today's smart villages and smarter communities that make prepping and staying resilient to extreme economic and natural events a way of life.
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Need Maker Space? Build a Tool Library!
Tool libraries were around since the 1970s : a storage and workshop depot where the best work and repair tools for carpentry and building would be stored by a master craftsman and shared among those in need in the town when repairs were needed. Today, just when the sharing economy is becoming the best and strongest model for self-sufficient communities, Tool Sharing is again becoming a way of life among advocates of community development. DIY and a sharing economy drive people to pool resources than out buy each other and possess everything.
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Fleet Farming: Orlando Community Volunteers Convert Lawns into Food Farms
Fleet Farming is a perfect example of a community based urban farming effort that promotes a sharing economy. They have a very organized system for making everything work including making use of fruits that would otherwise be spoiled--a gleaning operation meant to provide cheap and free food to the community. You can even pay them to set up your own food garden and harvest for yourself. If any good souls check them out, they would be the perfect rehab system for the urban poor, the rural disadvantaged and everyone else who wants to survive without being part of any rat race.
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