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Bulick (Dom): Matalino, Mabilis, Malaslas

July 26, 2014       Gamefowl Circuit

Matalino, Mabilis, Malaslas

It's a Sweater! No, it's a Hatch. No, it's both and more!

The Dominique is one toughest matches for fighting
gamefowl in the pit.

Dom Fighting Style

The modern Dominique Gamefowl, or Dom or Bulick, is renown for cutting prowess, and aggressive disposition, with lethal speed. Bulicks will step in and show no fear but they can also get out of a tight corner with a wicked shuffle and break high if necessary.

You can infuse some gamefowl bloodline to produce a superior bulik or dom fighter. For some breeders, the composition of their dom or bulik is 50% yellow leg hatch - 25% sweater and 25% leiper or penny hatch. Which is why many pundits slight the fowl as just a Sweater or Hatch hiding under different colored feathers without knowing the bloodline history of the fowl. Just because good blood is infused into the Dom does not mean it is no longer a Dom, in fact it is a better Dom because good genes are now part of its make as a gamefowl.

Chappell Doms

Chappell Doms came from a single pair brought in from England by one W. R. Smith of Lawrence, S.C. near Cross Hill. In 1855, all of Mr. W.R. Smith's Doms were acquired by J.W. Chappell who bred them pure stock, along with his brothers Henry and Jim. The brothers Chappell, with J.W. bred some of the winningest fighting cocks for 50 Years, competing with anyone in and around Columbia, S.C.

There are 4 documented crosses of other gamefowl stock to maintain this Dom strain. A Spanish Cock called Santa Ana used by J.W. Chappell, an Arlington cock used by J.W. Chappell, a Mingus Dom cock in the 1970's used by Jerry Chappell and turning them over to his son Kris, the 6th generation to carry on the family has added the blood of the Sureshot Dom from Mr. Scott Gay in 1991. Kris Chappell is active in local competitions in the Philippines, often partnering with Brian Corkren to fight with Doms and winning too.

GenGen Arayata's Agilahas Bulick

The Filipino Super Bulick Farm in Tanza Cavite, A 2007/2008 World Slasher Cup Champion.

Known for his Super Bulik (Dom), GenGen Arayata (Agilahas Farm in Tanza Cavite) rose to the ranks of  when he won back to back WSC championship in 2007 and 2008 respectively. He comes from a family of cockers and therefore has solid foundation as a breeder. In an interview, he said his now famous Doms were sourced from Congressman Lagbas (deceased) of Cagayan De Oro. He crossed the Dom with a yellow legged Hatch, and later on with a Sheryl Penny bloodline to strengthen the stock.

A Filipino breeder winning with cross bred Bulicks, which used to have the reputation as cowards when overmatched despite their winning record in the U.S. gamefowl circuit in the old days, has given everyone the world over renewed interest on this type of bloodline.

Until our next Gamefowl feature, keep checking
GAMEFOWL CIRCUIT for the latest and
the most interesting reading on the
Filipino's favorite sport.



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