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Vimānas Flying Machine: Ancient Civilzations' Open Secret and UFO Mysteries of Today

August 27, 2015       Unravelling Mysteries
Flying Machines 15,000 Years Before the Modern Age

The Rama and Atlantis War Was A Conflict Between Two Ancient Empires That Had Already Developed Both Heavier-than-Air Flight via Mercury Driven Ion Engines, and Anti-Gravity Technology to Fly Seven-Story Superstructures. 

Blueprint drawings derived in 1923 from Vedic texts
describing how one
Vimāna type would appear.

According to history, the first time man flew was in the 1780s with two Frenchmen using a hot air balloon  near Paris.  The Wright brothers made their first successful heavier-than-air aeroplane flight at Kitty Hawk in 1903 using a gas-powered engine.

But Indian mythology has it that the Rama Empire, more than 15,000 years ago, already possessed heavier-than-air flight and anti-gravity technology powered by mercury ionizing engines and more! 

The Indian Sanskrit epic tale handed down for generations called the Ramayana is an epic poem that may actually be an actual historicall account of the ancient war between mighty beings elevated as hero-gods of the Indian pantheon. The Ramayana mentions numerous flying machines called Vimāna, which rained fire upon the cities of the enemies of the pre-historic Indian kingdom.

An UFO type Vimānas blueprint showing the ionizing mercury engine
used to power the spacecraft. So advanced were
Vimānas that they
could travel in space, travel underwater and fly in the
earth's atmosphere safely.

UFO researchers and even rogue scientists propose that evidence exists that as early as 200 BCE, man had already heavier-than-air machines and had even access to anti-gravity technology with some accounts of a battle on the moon between warring factions of two mighty ancient Earth empires.  All of this ancient technology was lost when both sides, the Rama Empire and the nation of Atlantis used weapons of mass destruction to plunge the entire world into a cataclysm resulting in the legendary sinking of Atlantis, and in Vedic Sanskrit lore, the annihilation of the Rama Empire via atomic warfare.
The account of these ancient flying machines has been reduced to a hand-me-down religious epic poem over generations.  An account that has been mostly ignored until scientists and researchers of this age began to realize that all of the world's mythology may actually be an accurate description for actual world events during ancient times.  

Beginning with Zachariah Sitchin's much maligned account of the Annunaki of Sumeria, actual physical evidence over the years have accumulated that cannot be refuted by traditional historians anymore.  Traditional archaeologists and historians subscribe to the idea that technology developed at a slow pace over time have preached that there were no such things as aircraft in prehistoric times. 

A stone carving of a Vedic hero, Indian god who is wearing
what looks like an elaborate flight helmet for his

Even NASA is picking up the slack, they are working on an ion engine which uses a stream of high velocity electrified particles—technology similar to ancient, mercury-powered ionizing engines of Vimānas but using today's knowledge and engineering.  The new power plants should replace traditional rocket engines in the future.  An engine of this type theoretically can create ionized plasma afterburn which propels the spacecraft at velocities between 1200 to 3000 kilometers per minute!

Vi-māna (विमान) is a Sanskrit word for the legendary ancient flying vehicles, so-called Chariots of the Gods of the Rama Empire.  From UFO-like saucer shaped airships to huge flying super-structures rising seven stories high (the Pushpaka Vimāna  of Ravana), these aircraft are purportedly the actual first flying vehicles in ancient earth history, and their existence and the technology for building the crafts was largely forgotten, until UFO-archaeologists started realizing that evidence for their existence was sitting right in front of them: in the Ramayana epic poem, as well as in sites around the world that corroborate in detail all of the possible events mentioned in the Sanskrit epic poems.

Ashoka’s Secret Books

According to Indian Sanskrit mythology, Ashoka, a mighty Indian ruler converted to Buddhism, gathered nine great Indian scientists into a secret society and tasked these heroes to catalogue the many highly advanced sciences.  The secret society of Indian scientist heroes wrote a total of nine books, possibly per scientist.  Acknowledged by even historians that the Ashoka secret Sanskrit library may exist, the guarded knowledge includes precious blueprints about anti-gravity or gravity control technology and heavier-than-air flight machines using special materials.  Legend has it that the Ashoka Sanskrit technology library is kept in a secret vault in India, or Tibet.

The War Between the Rama Empire and Atlantis

Ancient Indian Sanskrit texts have extensive and extremely detailed descriptions of flying vehicles used by godlike heroes to traverse their kingdom, as well as flying temples waging war against another rival kingdom, possibly the Atlanteans.  The Ramayana and other Indian Sanskrit epic poems have been relegated to mythical status by historians rather than accepted as a crude but accurate account of flight and gravity control technologies and war histories of two highly advanced ancient civilizations. 

Vimānas were so renown that they were carved into rock as ornate
decorations or as graffiti like drawings.

Developing in Northern India and Pakistan from at least fifteen  thousand years ago on the Indian sub-continent, the ancient and glorious Rama Empire was a nation of many fortified mega-cities on the Indian sub-continent and among allied network cities across the world.  The ruins of the old capital cities of this ancient empire are still found in the deserts of Pakistan, and in locations in northern and western India.  In a recent internet discovery using Google Earth and Google Maps, it was shown that the ancient world may have been aligned on a different geological equator than today which indicates that a cataclysm occurred at the time to change the world.  A regression to hunter-gatherer survival conditions may have happened if a physical crust slide or pole shift hit us—conditions of which are being studied right now by new-think archaeologists looking for an explanation for global coincidences in archaeological dig findings and regional myths and folklore.

The Rama Empire had a mighty and aggressive rival at the time, the nation of Atlantis located in the mid-Atlantic Ocean. The flying machines of the nation of Atlantis were called the "Vailixi," dangerous flying war machines according to the Sanskit texts. Identified in the epic poem as "Asvins," Atlanteans had more advanced flight technology than the Ramans.  The Vailixi of the Atlantis forces were configured like a "cigar" and were submarine capable, aside from flying like a UFO in earth atmosphere.  Both craft were even recorded in the Sanskrit epic as duking it out on the Moon, hinting that the flight technologies of both ancient empires were capable of space travel!

Both  the Rama and the Arvin nation (possibly the legendary Atlantis). used weapons of mass destruction. Translated excerpts from the Sanskrit epic poems describe the planet war:

"Gurkha flying in his swift and powerful Vimana, hurled against the three cities of the Vrishis and Andhakas. a single projectile, charged with all the power of the Universe. An incandescent column of smoke and fire, as brilliant as ten thousands suns, rose in all its splendour. It was the unknown weapon, the Iron Thunderbolt, a gigantic messenger of death which reduced to ashes the entire race of the Vrishnis and Andhakas."
“(The weapon was) a single projectile charged with all the power of the Universe. An incandescent column of smoke and flame.  As bright as the thousand suns rose in all its splendor...An iron thunderbolt,  A gigantic messenger of death,  Which reduced to ashes  The entire race of the Vrishnis And the Andhakas.”  

At Mohenjo-Daro, a well planned city laid on a grid, with a plumbing system superior to those used in Pakistan and India today, the streets were littered with "black lumps of glass" an aftereffect of an atomic bomb attack as pottery melted and vitrified into glass.

Vimāna Airships of Rama

In the Ramayana tale, a Vimāna is built like a double-deck, circular aircraft with portholes and a dome, exactly like a flying saucer if you figure it out.  Vimānas had anti-gravity tech built in and were capable of vertical take-off and landing as well as hovering like a helicopter or balloon ship in the sky.  

Vimānas even fly like UFOs, as described in the Sanskrit texts: going up, down, backwards and forewards as the pilot desired.  The aircraft-type 
Vimānas were kept in a Vimana Griha, a kind of ship hangar.

Artist conception of how a Vimāna would look like
also based on the Vedic description.

Vedic texts like the Vaimanika Shastra describes in detail, the construction of a flying vehicle powerplant: a mercury vortex engine, the ancient forerunner of the ion engines being studied and prototyped today by NASA.  In a typical UFO shaped
Vimāna, four mercury containers like a powerplant is built into the interior structure and for the ion engine to run, the containers are heated by either a combustion secondary engine or via solar power technology built into the Vimāna's outer hull.  The 'thunder-power' of mercury ionization powers the craft to fly by either ionized plasma propulsion or gravity control.  Configured like an UFO, and flying with the "speed of the wind," a Vimāna emitted a "melodious sound."  

Don't laugh at the pseudo-science seeming claims: there are lab ideas running around right now that if you modulate the sound or electrical frequency of any object to the frequency of light, you make that object levitate, literally, controlling the gravity properties of the object.  Sound energy experiments that are being shown on You Tube already show that scientists can combine and separate chemicals and other substances just by using sound amplification.  There are even actual levitation experiments showing that sound amplification can fix an object and suspend it in the air: 'hovering' or floating.

In 1875, the Vaimanika Sastra, a fourth century B.C. text written by Bharadvajy the Wise, using even older texts as his source, was rediscovered in a temple in India. The Sanskrit texts detailed ancient Vedic flight technologies for the operation of Vimānas including instructions on steering the craft in air, underwater and in space, precautions to take for long flights, and protection of the airships from storms and lightning.

A stone carving showing the epic poem Ramayana and the
fantastic vehicles and flying ships of the hero-gods of the
ancient Rama Empire.

The Vaimanika Sastra even details how to switch the drive back and forth from "solar energy" to "anti-gravity" flight power depending on flight conditions.  Containing eight chapters with diagrams, describing three types of Vimāna aircraft, including working mechanisms that are not vulnerable to fire and never break down, plus all the 31 essential parts of an airship, and 16 specially forged materials from which they are constructed, the Vedic texts was a much sought after document, even by the Nazis during their time.  The Rama  Empire aircraft vehicles are built and designed to absorb both light and heat as power source and for stealth flight.

With the cataclysmic sinking of Atlantis and the wiping out of the Rama Empire's major cities with atomic weapons, the world endured a few thousand years of post-apocalyptic, stone-age existence before recovering again and fluorishing.  Will mankind ever rediscover the ancient technologies that enabled ancient kingdoms to fly with ion engines?


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